Red River Valley Alliance
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The Red River Valley Alliance (RRVA) is a group of world-class developers that was contracted by the Metro Flood Diversion Authority (FMDA) to finance, design, construct, operate and maintain the stormwater diversion channel portion of the Fargo-Moorhead Area Diversion. RRVA and ASN Constructors consist of ACCIONA, Shikun & Binui USA and North American Construction Group. All large, experienced developers that specialize in projects of this size and nature. RRVA has secured the financing and will operate and maintain the project once it is constructed. ASN Constructors will perform the construction portion of the project.
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Crews reached the 50% excavation milestone of the channel in August 2024. At that point, half of the 45 million cubic yards of earth had been excavated for the project.