Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity
Associations Family, Community & Non-Profit
EVERYONE deserves a decent place to live. Habitat for Humanity is the leading affordable home builder in the world. Through our uniquely designed program, volunteers and donors from the community join together to work alongside our partner families as they build their own homes. It doesn't stop when the home is built, however. Because our families repay the cost of their home, through an affordable mortgage, they directly contribute to helping future families build their way out of poverty. Our program is a Hand UP, not a Hand OUT. Our ReStore program contributes too. This building materials thrift store provides an affordable option for people to improve their homes, helps keep more than one million pounds of materials out of the landfill every year, and provides enough funds to Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity to cover all administrative fees, allowing us to put all monetary donations directly into building affordable homes in our community. At Habitat for Humanity, we build strength, stability, self-reliance, and shelter.